I've decided to start blogging again. I never really decided to stop, but had a very busy Fall. Right after my last post, I got a job interview with an estate planning firm in my neighborhood. I was skeptical -- thought it would be a mom and pop operation -- but thought I would check it out. I came away from my first interview extremely impressed with the firm and hoping for a second interview. Well, I got the second interview, and I got the job! The next few weeks at my old job were pretty busy, tying up loose ends and preparing to leave. So, that didn't leave too much time for blogging. I did take a couple weeks off between the old job and the new, and spent plenty of time catching up on my rest and my housekeeping (too much of the former and not enough of the latter).
The new job has been wonderful. I've been there for just about two months and it's going swimmingly. I don't miss the action of litigation at all, but I do miss writing, so I'm happy to be blogging again. I've caught on pretty quickly to the basics of estate planning and estate administration. I love (LOVE) working with elderly clients and being able to help people through difficult situations. My coworkers are all pretty cool, and my boss is both a terrific lawyer and a tremendous entrepreneur. All in all, I am extremely satisfied with the new job. Of course, it has its ups and downs, as any job does, but my stress level is comfortably low. I leave by 7pm no matter what, and nobody calls or emails me after hours. Life is good.
Life at home continues to be wonderful. It's hard to believe that we have been married for seven months already! There really is nothing like it. I love absolutely everything about being married. We're still working on a system for keeping our house clean, but we've got our budget down to a science, and I've been doing pretty well with meal planning. Now that I walk to and from work (did I mention that part?) I am able to ease up on the planning a little bit and shop for fresh ingredients on the way home. I cook probably 4 or 5 nights in an average week, and I love having more time for that now. Like I said, life is good.
We were with my family for Thanksgiving, and with hubbhub's family for Christmas. It was my first Christmas away from home, but it was nice, and quiet, and calm. Of course I got sick on our last night there (still fighting it off), but I am so glad we went. I am also glad to hear that the mayor of Seattle has decided that he will authorize the salting of roads during the next snow storm. Duh.
I can't think of too many other updates. I discovered that my love for good scotch extends to scotch cocktails -- particularly, the Rusty Nail. Give it a try -- you can thank me later.