Saturday, July 18, 2009

And Baby Makes Three!

I know I am the world's worst blogger.  I'm sorry.  I'm not even going to commit right now to blogging again, but I thought I would start today.  

As you can tell from the subject (and as all of my 3 readers know), we're expecting a baby!  I'm 28 weeks pregnant, due on October 11.  Thank God I've been feeling really good.  The first 12 weeks or so were rough -- a lot of nausea and just unending fatigue -- but I've felt pretty much like a rock star ever since.  Somewhere around 24 weeks my belly started really becoming cumbersome, and now that I am starting the third trimester I am really feeling the extra weight and the extra size!  But all in all, no complaints.  We are really excited to meet our baby girl, whom we call, for now, Cloetus the Foetus.  Hubby Hubs and I have decided on a name, but we're going to keep it between us until she's born.  

So, in anticipation of her arrival, we've started the job of turning the guest room into a nursery.  I have never been much of a decorator, and no magic mommy genes have changed that thus far.  But I've found some great inspiration rooms online, and we are slowly but surely getting there.  I like this room

 That's basically the style I am going for, sort of a feminine vintage.  The room is currently painted "creamy praline," which is sort of a candlelight color, and I think we are going to leave it.  Actually, it's really very close to the background color of this blog.  Here's what we have so far: 

The Crib (to be delivered next weekend):    

We are going to keep the same dresser we've had (which I scored for $89 at Salvation Army in 2003).  I am toying with the idea of painting it white, but I'm not really sure about that.  You can sort of see the wall color in the background.  

What do you think? Should I leave it that color or try to match it to the crib? One of my favorite things about this arrangement is the way the wicker design on the crib matches the design on the cabinets of the dresser. I think they are going to look great together!

Of course, since we live in 1,200 square feet, the baby's room still has to function as a guest room.  The inlaws and outlaws visit often enough, so we've purchased a sofabed to go in the baby's room (and baby will stay in a pack n' play in our room during those visits). 

This is what we got:

It's shown in beige, but we got it in sand, the color shown in the rocker below, which we also bought:  

I really hope it all comes together, and that it isn't too crowded in the room. I think with some throw pillows on the couch and the rocker, I'll be able to pull it all together. I hope so, anyway. I want it to look like a sweet little nursery, not like a jumble of furniture. Now that I say that, I'm leaning more and more toward painting the dresser to match the crib. I don't know.

For the walls, I'm thinking of scanning, enlarging, and framing illustrations from The Bumper Book, which has been a favorite in my family since my mom was a little girl.  

Here are some examples: 

And of course, a few other classics, not from the bumper book, such as:

Anyway, that's about where I am. I need to pick out crib bedding, curtains, and maybe a rug or something. I'd love to hear from you, if you have some help or advice to offer!

Life otherwise is pretty normal. I have been with my "new" firm for over eight months, and I really love it, still. Of course, like any job, there are drawbacks, but for the most part it's been really rewarding and educational. I feel valued there and I enjoy the work.

Hubbyhubs has a transition on the horizon.  After about a year and a half with a very promising company that ultimately disappointed him, he's joining a different operation and is very excited about it.  He'll be starting in early August, and we're thrilled!  

Not much else to report ... thanks for reading!  


Ashley said...

yay finally!

I say paint the dresser (or spray paint if feeling lazy) to match.

Also, check out for prints and cute baby stuff. It's all homemade and affordable!

Don said...

WHOA! I've been away from your blog for TOO long! Congratulations to both you and Hubby Hubs. May God grant you and your new little one (I'm an October baby, too, so I'll think of her as little Libra for now)MANY YEARS!