One more way I fake having a real office ... free Westlaw access at the New York City Bar in midtown. Sure, that means commuting into Manhattan when I don't really need to, but today I have a hearing anyway, so here I am. I pay my yearly membership dues, and that gets me unlimited westlaw access (and many other research tools) in the library of the New York City Bar, and gives me limited westlaw access from home (forms, which are pretty useful!). Westlaw subscriptions cost a lot more than the $244/year I will spend in City Bar dues, and of course I am also granted free or cheap CLEs several times a month. Pretty good deal! WHO NEEDS LAW FIRMS? Not I.
Today I am covering an appearance for another attorney, a guy whose parents were my clients at my old firm. Networking, people. That's what it's all about. If you are starting your own business of any sort, the first step is to call everyone you know, and tell them you are already in business. Fake it till you make it.
OK, back to researching ...
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
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