Friday, August 29, 2008

I will say this ...

Obama's daughters are really, really cute. I was excited for them last night, and I hope they remember their dad's speech proudly for a long time.

Other than that, I was not impressed, and I spent most of my time rolling my eyes as the inexperienced Obama spouted cliche after platitude after cliche. I think David Brooks summed it up best here.

But on to more positive and exciting news: PALIN! PALIN! PALIN!
I could not possibly be more excited. I really really really hope it's true. I would have Palin's babies if that were physically possible. This woman is so correct on every social issue I care about (and McCain usually isn't). McCain/Palin would give me everything I am looking for in a candidate. I would be so ridiculously happy to have her as VP. Fingers crossed!


Aside from Palin, I am also really excited to be going up to Hull, MA this weekend. We leave in a couple of hours (I'm working a half-ish day). My sister-in-law's parents live up there (brother's wife's parents), and I've gone up there for the last couple of Labor Days. It's quiet and chill, and right by the beach. I cannot wait to see my cutiepie nephews and drink some beers. Hooray for the long weekend (especially after the horrific night I had last night at work, which I will not relive by recounting here).

Time to finish my August billing so I can get the heck outta here ....


Monday, August 25, 2008

These guy's

Are my hero's.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I love Craigslist



Cheating is Disgusting.

And so is the Chinese government for sanctioning it. See also: this.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guess who's back?

Sorry for the hiatus. I am boring when I'm sick, and I was sick until about two days ago. Thanks to the magic of Zithromax, I am finally back in the game. Thanks also to my former roommie Dr. Christina, for all her advice.

Part of being back in the game is that I am cooking up a storm. I am so excited about the dinner I made last night (with help from Hubbyhubs!).

Pork Medallions with Melon Salsa and Grilled Limes

From Good Housekeeping
triple-tested at the Good Housekeeping Research Institute

We spike this cantaloupe and honeydew melon salsa with fresh cilantro and plenty of fresh lime juice to make a showstopping pork tenderloin topper.

INGREDIENTS conv. chart U.S. Metric
1 whole(s) (1 1/4-pound) pork tenderloin, trimmed of fat
5 limes
1 tablespoon(s) olive oil
1/2 cup(s) (loosely packed) fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
1/4 teaspoon(s) salt
1/8 teaspoon(s) coarsely ground black pepper
2 cup(s) chopped cantaloupe
1 cup(s) chopped honeydew melon
1 jalapeño chile, minced


  1. Prepare outdoor grill for direct grilling on medium.
  2. Cut pork tenderloin crosswise into 8 equal pieces. With palm of hand, firmly press on cut side of each piece to flatten to about 1-inch-thick medallion.
  3. Cut 2 limes in half; reserve for grilling. From remaining limes, grate 1 teaspoon peel and squeeze 1/4 cup juice. In small bowl, combine oil, 1/2 teaspoon lime peel, half of cilantro, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and pepper. Rub cilantro mixture on pork medallions to season both sides.
  4. Place pork on hot grill grate and cook 4 minutes. Turn pork over. Add lime halves, cut sides down, to same grill grate and cook 3 to 4 minutes or until lightly browned and warm. Cook pork 4 to 5 minutes longer or until browned on the outside and still slightly pink in the center.
  5. Meanwhile, in medium bowl, combine melons, jalapeño, lime juice, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and remaining cilantro and lime peel. Makes about 3 cups salsa.
We followed the recipe almost exactly, with a couple of minor variations. First, I used my Emeril Grill Pan (one of my favorite bridal shower gifts, thanks RM!), instead of a barbecue, because I don't have a barbecue. If you're doing this in an apartment, it's very important to position a large fan in front of your smoke detector, blowing the smoke away. Trust me on that. Also, we only had cantaloupe, no honeydew (long story), but the salsa was just fine without it. I think it's only there to provide color contrast. We also used dried cilantro instead of fresh.

I can't even explain to you how incredibly good this was. The pork was insanely juicy and so tender, and really really lean. We ate the entire recipe. I am happy to say I have another pound of pork tenderloin in the freezer and another cantaloupe. Mom and Dad are talking about coming out this weekend -- I'm totally making this. It was super fast, too.

On Sunday night, I made another Good Housekeeping recipe that I can't find online. It was a Lasagna Toss, meaning you cook up the noodles in a pot and then just mix it together with the sauce and serve. No layering, no baking. Delicious. It was a nice bolognese sauce, topped with some spiced-up ricotta. I had leftovers for lunch yesterday, and will have more today (sorry, Hubbyhubs, I finished it ... ).

Tonight I'm making some sort of chicken wraps. We'll see!

I am fully into my adopted habit of sitting down on Sunday afternoon with my magazines and cookbooks and the Foodtown circular. I send Hubbyhubs to the grocery store (isn't he awesome?) with a long list (divided into sections of the store), and he comes back with everything we need for a week. I type up the weekly menu and clip it to the fridge, along with the recipes if they are torn out of magazines (or a note about which cookbook and which page to find them on), and every night when I get home, I don't have to think about what to make for dinner. It's such a relief. Everything I need is guaranteed to be in the house, and we get to eat a yummy, planned dinner. It's just fantastic.

I'm also trying to get control over other areas of homemaking, where I am SEVERELY lacking -- namely, cleaning. Um, and organizing. I'm just awful. I never had to share my bedroom as a kid, and honestly, I think that's a bad thing. My bad habits were just reinforced over and over again, and I just leave my clothes and my shoes everywhere. It's awful, and it's not fair to my husband, and I need to do better. I started by attacking the linen closet on Sunday. Again, thanks to Good Housekeeping, where I found a little guide to organizing your linen closet. I just needed a little direction! Everything fits beautifully now -- with room to spare! I took it one step further than GH by incorporating another idea I'd come across lately. For each sheet set, I take the fitted sheet, the flat sheet, and one pillow case, fold them up, and insert them inside the other pillow case. That way, sheet sets always stay together! It makes the shelves look just a little bit lumpy, but it's a good tradeoff.

All of that organizing didn't leave too much time for much else, but I did manage to get two loads of laundry done and make the Lasagna Toss, so not a bad night, overall. Also, two weeks ago I had to work from home because I had a doctor's appointment right in the middle of the day. I did get a lot of work done, but I also spent considerable time FINALLY cleaning out my bedroom closet to make room for Hubbyhubs (told you I'm a jerk -- he didn't even have his clothes in the bedroom closet). I totally went to town, putting my off-season and special occasion clothes in the back, adding an additional bar lower down for skirts and shirts, and moving all of Hubbyhubs' stuff into the other half of the closet. In the process, the guest room closet (where HH had previously been relegated) became completely empty. I cannot believe I live in NYC and I have a SPARE ROOM with a SPARE CLOSET. Life does not get any better than this.

We still have a few projects we need to tackle. The closet in the office is a total disaster, and we actually own the shelves that need to be put up in there, so we will get on that soon. Once that's in place, we should be able to move the remaining wedding presents from the guest room into that closet. Then, the guest room will be empty, until my parents show up this weekend with everything else that got sent to their house!

Everything else is going really well. I finally feel like we have a great handle on our spending and our budget, which is a terrific feeling. We do meet at least monthly (if not more) to go over the spreadsheet and see how we are doing. I use to keep track of everything, and I check in at least once a day. It's sort of a pain, but not really. I like knowing where all our hard-earned money is going!

So now, on day 87 of our marriage, I can say it's totally fabulous and under control. It's been fabulous the whole time, of course ... it's just less chaotic now!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Either there's a 3,000 lb gorilla sitting on the bridge of my nose, or my sinus infection is back / never went away. Considering the fact that I don't smell a gorilla (and can't smell anything, really), I'm going to guess that the massive amount of pressure around my face is from an infection. Whoopdie-freakin'-do. Honestly. Those antibiotics made me feel so dizzy and nauseous, I don't know if I can handle them again. If I'm going to feel like that, and be limited to one drink a day, I might as well get knocked up ... of course, I'd still have the sinus infection to deal with.

After being put on hold for a whopping 15 min today by my doctor's office, I gave up and hung up. I'll call back tomorrow if I'm still feeling like crap.

In other news, last night was the first night Hubbyhubs and I spent apart since getting married. Unfortunately, it wasn't for a very nice reason (like a mini-vacation with just the girls, or something). I was in NJ to attend the wake for my mom's cousin's husband (a/k/a my uncle, because in this family, anyone somewhat related to you and older is your aunt or your uncle. They are also your aunt or your uncle if they are older than you and go to your church, or are a friend of your grandparents', regardless of religious affiliation.). Uncle Bill died suddenly this past Saturday, apparently of a heart attack, while spending the morning at the beach with his son.

I happen to be close with Uncle Bill's grown children -- my second cousins -- so I wanted to go to the wake. These things are always bittersweet -- so sad to say goodbye, and to see the immediate family members say goodbye, but also always a family reunion of sorts. I got to see a lot of other second cousins that I don't see too often (there are hundreds -- literally) so that was nice.

There's also always a certain comfort when the deceased is someone like Uncle Bill, who lived his entire life in service of his church, his family, his community, and his country. The wake becomes more of a send-off of a beloved friend to a "better place" (is there any phrase in the English language that is more of an understatement than that common term for eternal paradise and peace?). In the end, Uncle Bill lived the merciful, joyful, and charitable life we are all called on to live, and he got what we pray for every Sunday: A Christian ending to our lives, painless, blameless, and with a good defense before the dread judgment seat of Christ. Memory Eternal!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008