Either there's a 3,000 lb gorilla sitting on the bridge of my nose, or my sinus infection is back / never went away. Considering the fact that I don't smell a gorilla (and can't smell anything, really), I'm going to guess that the massive amount of pressure around my face is from an infection. Whoopdie-freakin'-do. Honestly. Those antibiotics made me feel so dizzy and nauseous, I don't know if I can handle them again. If I'm going to feel like that, and be limited to one drink a day, I might as well get knocked up ... of course, I'd still have the sinus infection to deal with.
After being put on hold for a whopping 15 min today by my doctor's office, I gave up and hung up. I'll call back tomorrow if I'm still feeling like crap.
In other news, last night was the first night Hubbyhubs and I spent apart since getting married. Unfortunately, it wasn't for a very nice reason (like a mini-vacation with just the girls, or something). I was in NJ to attend the wake for my mom's cousin's husband (a/k/a my uncle, because in this family, anyone somewhat related to you and older is your aunt or your uncle. They are also your aunt or your uncle if they are older than you and go to your church, or are a friend of your grandparents', regardless of religious affiliation.). Uncle Bill died suddenly this past Saturday, apparently of a heart attack, while spending the morning at the beach with his son.
I happen to be close with Uncle Bill's grown children -- my second cousins -- so I wanted to go to the wake. These things are always bittersweet -- so sad to say goodbye, and to see the immediate family members say goodbye, but also always a family reunion of sorts. I got to see a lot of other second cousins that I don't see too often (there are hundreds -- literally) so that was nice.
There's also always a certain comfort when the deceased is someone like Uncle Bill, who lived his entire life in service of his church, his family, his community, and his country. The wake becomes more of a send-off of a beloved friend to a "better place" (is there any phrase in the English language that is more of an understatement than that common term for eternal paradise and peace?). In the end, Uncle Bill lived the merciful, joyful, and charitable life we are all called on to live, and he got what we pray for every Sunday: A Christian ending to our lives, painless, blameless, and with a good defense before the dread judgment seat of Christ. Memory Eternal!
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
1 comment:
Youmust be so busy. We need an update. I have had an update
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