Obama's daughters are really, really cute. I was excited for them last night, and I hope they remember their dad's speech proudly for a long time.
Other than that, I was not impressed, and I spent most of my time rolling my eyes as the inexperienced Obama spouted cliche after platitude after cliche. I think David Brooks summed it up best here.
But on to more positive and exciting news: PALIN! PALIN! PALIN!
I could not possibly be more excited. I really really really hope it's true. I would have Palin's babies if that were physically possible. This woman is so correct on every social issue I care about (and McCain usually isn't). McCain/Palin would give me everything I am looking for in a candidate. I would be so ridiculously happy to have her as VP. Fingers crossed!
Aside from Palin, I am also really excited to be going up to Hull, MA this weekend. We leave in a couple of hours (I'm working a half-ish day). My sister-in-law's parents live up there (brother's wife's parents), and I've gone up there for the last couple of Labor Days. It's quiet and chill, and right by the beach. I cannot wait to see my cutiepie nephews and drink some beers. Hooray for the long weekend (especially after the horrific night I had last night at work, which I will not relive by recounting here).
Time to finish my August billing so I can get the heck outta here ....
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
we need more blogs missy
we need more posts
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