Thursday, June 26, 2008

Busses, cars, and bags ...

This morning, I ran into three people I knew on the bus or waiting for the bus -- one of the nice / funny things about living in Bay Ridge. When my mom was in high school (she grew up in Bay Ridge) she got grounded for smoking pretty much once a month. Seems that no matter where she tried to sneak a cigarette, one of her aunts, cousins, or neighbors would spot her. Now that I've lived here about 10 months, I'm starting to understand it.

And, not because I don't like running into friends and family on the bus ... I'm starting to wonder about buying a car. We spend about $400 a month on our commute (express bus is $5 each way), and we rent a car one or two weekends a month to go to Jersey. It occured to me today that we might not be saving quite as much as we thought we were by being car-free. If we drove to work every day and paid for parking in Manhattan and in Bay Ridge, plus gas, and insurance (and whatever the car itself costs) we might only be spending an extra $100-$200 a month. Could be worth it. Anyone have any thoughts?

Also, I really really really want a nice bag. I am tired of my crapola briefcase with the broken zipper pulls, and I need something nicer than a shopping bag to tote my knitting and work shoes around in. I'm thinking something like this would be good ...
A girl can dream, can't she?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cars are bad! Keep using public transportation :)