Am I the only person who is sick and tired of newspapers calling female college students "coeds"? I mean what year is this, people? Everything about that word bugs me, mostly because it gives the weird impression that women on campus are some sort of novelty; we all know by now that women make up the majority of college graduates.
Now, I'm not much of a feminist (at least under the popular definition), but I feel strongly about this. Anyone else?
Sunday recap ...
We had a lovely day today, starting with waking up too late and doing a speed clean of the apartment (basically scooping up everything that didn't belong in the kitchen, living room, or office, shoving it into a bedroom or closet, and slamming the door). Good thing we do have one bathroom that is accessible without going through our bedroom!
We got to church just in time for liturgy (no matins for our lazy butts today), and my parents were already there. Sermon was particularly good, and then we had our crowns removed at the end. It was a lot quicker than I thought it would be, but very nice. Thank you, Tara, for taking pictures. You rock.
There was also a 40-day memorial for my mom's cousin's husband, who was a longtime member of our church and very well liked. He was young -- in his mid-sixties -- when he died, so it was a big shock to everyone. Well, the church was packed with his relatives (many of whom are my relatives), so, even though it was a sad occasion, it was really nice to catch up with people who were a little too distantly related to be invited to the wedding. My mom always has a great time when she revisits her roots here, and she caught up with a lot of the "girls" she grew up with (incidentally, the term "girls" doesn't bother me at all (except when wall street guys use it to refer to their secretaries) (now I'm wondering if there's a limit on inter-parenthetical parentheticals)).
After church, my parents came back to the apartment and we hung out for a few hours, drinking coffee, watching the Yankees / Mets game, and just relaxing. My parents met their friends for dinner, and I did some knitting while hubby did some work. Oh, I made a yum-o Rachel Ray dinner -- sesame noodles and a chicken breast addition of my own creation -- and that was very good. Parents came back with their friends to sit for a minute, and now we are heading to bed. Well, I am, anyway ... hubbyhubs still has some work to do.
Boss is out this week so things should be relatively relaxed around my office -- finally.
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
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