I am sick. And I'm not a very good patient. I started getting that gross sticky throat / itchy ears / headache feeling yesterday. I took some Tylenol Cold last night and woke up feeling worse. I took my temp and it was 99.5, which didn't seem bad enough to skip work. Well, the bus ride was frickin excruciating. I don't know why, but whenever I have even the slightest fever, my legs ACHE. My hips, my knees, my thighs, everything. It's unbearable. So I got into the office around 8:30, cleaned up my desk, made copies of stuff I need to work on, and drafted a letter that had to go out today. When Partner arrived at 9:30, I told him I was leaving. I couldn't bear to get back on the bus again, so one $40 cab ride later, I was back in the comfort of my bed, now with about 100.6. I know it's a low fever (as my dad also pointed out) but crappy is crappy, and even a little fever makes me feel awful. Plus I think my normal body temperature is low-ish, so anything just feels lousy. So, I slept until about 3pm with a couple of snack breaks, then watched Mad Men (great show), and then actually managed to make dinner for Hubbyhubs and me. Again, Rachael Ray came through, but I found a way to make her recipe even simpler. It was for a Sicilian Eggplant Marinara pasta dish, and she said to take a whole eggplant, roast it in the oven, and scoop out the insides, and put the insides through a food processor. Well, because I am my mother's daughter, I already had about 2 pounds of frozen "inside of roasted eggplant" in a ziplock the freezer. Does Rachael Ray not know that stuff comes in cans now? It took a while to thaw it out in the microwave (it was leftover from a previously opened can), but if I'd had a can on the shelf it would have been about a 9-minute meal. Definitely going to keep that one in mind.
Now I'm ready to head back to the couch. I'm so annoyed that I'm home and basically unable to do anything. There's a ton of laundry and organizing that I've been meaning to get to, but I just don't have the energy. I guess it will have to wait for the weekend.
Sorry for such a blah post ... maybe it is time for Hubbyhubs to start guest blogging? What do you think? I want to hear from all 5 of my readers (that's excluding the 20 or so people in Pakistan who end up at my blog every day after searching for images of Katrina Kaif).
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
Yes, definitely time for hubbyhubs (are we all calling him that now?) to start guest blogging. Maybe even a spin-off blog? I see potential here.
I quite like what you have to say, even when you have a bad day. Found my way here through "My Life as a Crazy Cat Lady".
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