That is all.
OK, of course that's not all. When have I ever stopped at 2 sentences? Sorry to be a gross newlywed, but really ... every once in a while I just get a little reminder of how handsome, and funny, and fun, and brilliant, and silly, and just plain wonderful he is. Hooray for Hubbyhubs.
Time to join him on the couch for Mad Men.
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
Incase you didn't see it on my blog...
Yes, I was topless on the treadmill (well I had a paper gown on, slit in the front, no bra). Seriously, I feel bad for the ladies with double D's getting this done.
I think I do have what your mom has and it doesn't look serious! Thankfully.
As for the B'day! I would love if you could come down.. and freakin' hubby and the cats...they are too cute to be allergic to! Good thing we got a two bedroom b/c my brother and his girlfriend are staying here as well.. so it could potentially be a party house! =]
I posted this on my blog.. but--
Well.. in my defense..
We now have two bathrooms and only enough stuff for one.
The shower curtain was kinda a necessity since that's going to be John's bathroom.
As for the towels... I only bought TWO- for decor reasons.. but that's totally not a whole set. =]
The rest we will register for. However, it may be 2050 before we get married so we're gonna need a towel between now and then.
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