Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yeah, I have a funny husband.

I don't mind that he's also tall, cute, and brilliant. And so sweet.

I don't think he'll ever understand my need to climb, but at least he accepts it. Sometimes, I just see a high ledge or platform, and I think, that needs to be climbed (clome?). I'm probably half monkey, or cat.

Someday, when Hubbyhubs has his own blog, I will guest blog and tell you all embarassing things about him.

I'm (reluctantly) back in the office today. I still feel like I have a cactus stuck in my throat, with branches trying to push out through my ears, but my fever seems to be staying down. I am definitely not staying late, though (famous last words). At least tomorrow is Friday and I can relax over the weekend.

Back to work -- there is plenty of it today.

1 comment:

Don said...

Could this be an early indication of your ability to conquer the corporate ladder? ;)