Monday, March 17, 2008

7 Weird, Strange and/or Random things about ME

In honor of Ashley (the crazy cat lady -- see my blogroll), here is a NaBloPoMo list:

7 Weird, Strange and/or Random things about ME

1 - I still sleep with a teddy bear.

2 - Everyone I know thinks I'm this super-organized "together" person, but my house and my office are always a mess.

3 - I have a sort-of-photographic memory.

4 - I'm a pretty lousy baker (but a pretty awesome regular-food-cooker).

5 - I've been to at least 20 different countries.

6 - I'm terrible at math.

7 - I spoke pretty decent Portuguese as a toddler.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

yay thanks for doing it!