Well, I'm pretty much losing my mind. I apologize for the lack of updates, though I'm not sure I'm apologizing to anyone other than Ashley (and maybe Tara).
This week has just been absolutely insane. Work has been ridiculously stressful, both in general and personally. We have a ton going on, so we've all been here very late, and I just haven't been able to do the greatest job. So, there have been very mature episodes, featuring me crying in front of my boss. They will totally remember that for bonus time. I'm such a grownup.
On top of that, my bridal shower is this weekend! I'm really excited to see everyone who is coming in for it, and I'm excited for the party. It's going to be a great time. Of course, nothing is ever simple with my family, and there have been endless conversations about planes, trains, an automobiles, all of which have also left me in tears multiple times. I never used to be such a baby! But, it looks like everyone is taken care of now. I'm not even supposed to be involved in any of this, and my family and bridesmaids have done a fairly good job of keeping me out of it, but, as they say, shit rolls downhill. So, I don't know about any of the good stuff -- all of that is a surprise -- but I do know who is on what train and when, and how they feel about it. Awesome.
Also this weekend is my BACHELORETTE PARTY. Wooot woot! I'm just really excited to have a girls' night out. It's been forever. We've all been so busy with work, and now that I live a little bit out of the city it's more difficult, and I just don't have the time, energy, or money to go out big like I used to. I'm really looking forward to it. Fiance is staying in a safe place Saturday night -- with our priest! (sweetie, if you're reading this, don't forget to call him and confirm :) )
I'm taking a half day today because my friends are already on their way in for the festivities. We are going to do a little mani-pedi and shoe shopping, hopefully have dinner out tonight, and then we'll see.
I should have a much more fun update on Monday :)
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
Okay, apology accepted.
...Just kidding! Looking forward to this weekend! :)
How cute that Fiance is staying at Fr. M's house...like he has to run for cover from the bachelorette madness :)
- Tara
okay.. I accepted the apology except NOW IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY AGAIN.
Where's the "you've been missing seven days wrap up"
Dude, I am also a baby... broke down to MY fiance AGAIN this afternoon about wedding crap (though I do partially blame it on a bad night's sleep and too much coffee this morning) - so don't sweat the waterworks. And I still have 6.5 more months of this to go - ack.
On a more fun note, had fun at the b-ette party! Hope you did too :)
(Sorry to spam your blog - I don't know how to comment, apparently!)
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