I keep feeling like it must be Wednesday. I feel super blah. I got to work a little late today (got a late start and then bus hit traffic), and I just never really got on a roll with my work. I can't get any momentum.
I called the bus depot in Brooklyn to find out about my purse, and they told me it was moved to Manhattan today. I called the MTA Lost Property Unit in Manhattan, and spoke to Heather, who told me that they had my purse, and that they close at 4. I went over there around 1:15, via subway. I was wandering around the 34th and 8th A-C-E station looking for the Lost Property Unit, and I asked a subway maintenance guy where it was. His reply: Downstairs, but they are closed right now. Me: No, they aren't. How do I get there? ... He told me where to go (lower level, behind the stairs, in sketchiville). The man at the counter was Yee, whom I spoke to last week (he didn't remember) and who doesn't speak a whole lot of English. I gave Yee my claim number, and he disappeared for about 5 min. Upon his return, he told me he did not have my bag. I told him that Heather said they had it. He verified my claim number, and asked again where I'd left it. I told him (again) that I'd left it on a Brooklyn-bound bus, and that it had been turned in at Elmer Park. He left again and came back, asking me if I'd left it in Staten Island. Nope, I said, Brooklyn. He left again and was gone for a good 10 min.
He came back and said they did have my purse, but that it needed to be processed, which would take at least 10 or 15 min. He told me four different times to be "patient" -- which was odd, considering I'd smiled the whole time we spoke and was very calm and patient. Whatever. I waited forever (patiently) and a manager came out and asked if I had any ID. I told him it was in my purse (duh). He asked my name and I gave it to him. He told me that he couldn't return the $26 that had been in my purse, because they didn't have petty cash at that station. I decided not to try to make sense of that statement. He asked me to write down my address so he could mail me a check. Whatever. I finally got my purse back, and got back to work around 2:30ish. Fun times.
The whole thing was like something out of a Cold-War era documentary on bureaucracy. The lesson: if you are going to leave something on a bus, leave it on a bus in Brooklyn, and claim it in Brooklyn.
Meanwhile, I decided to go ahead with the platinum wedding band, even though the price has gone up 50%. The guy I'm dealing with sent me a chart on the price of platinum in the last six months, and it really has skyrocketed. I hate having to pay up (especially since the price will probably eventually fall) but if I'm going to be wearing this ring for the rest of my life, I want it to look right. I'm probably not going to get my engagement ring back for another couple of weeks, which is absolutely driving me bananas. As long as I have it back in time for my bridal shower, though, I guess it will be fine. I just miss it!
Seventy-four single days left. Weird freakout feeling not abating.
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
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