I just do not like Mondays at all. Starting around 5 pm on Sunday, I get what my mom calls Ed Sullivan Syndrome -- that feeling of dread that comes upon you when you know the weekend is dwindling and Monday is roaring toward you. I get anxious and crabby and I just don't like it. Work has been so stressful lately, and weekends are so nice that I get lulled into a good mood ... and then BAM here we are again. So ... let's escape for a moment and relive the weekend, shall we?
Friday night, Fiance and I took the bus straight from work to my brother's in Northern NJ, to spend the night. We had a yummy dinner, played with the kiddos, had some wine, and watched TV. Pretty much a perfect Friday night.
Saturday morning we went to the Diner with them, and the boys were very good. I mean, the baby doesn't do too much, but the 2-yr-old is just hilarious and adorable. I can't even stand him.
Afterwards we went back to the house, and Fiance and Brother built a treadmill while Sister-in-law gave me a much-needed haircut. I no longer resemble the 18th Duggar Child. Thank the Lord. It's about shoulder-length now with good shape and layers, so I'm getting some really nice curl. Very very pleased.
Fiance and I then drove out to my parents' house to begin the laborious task of assembling the invitations. Each invitation has it's own neato sleeve thingie, with a layer of tissue paper that needs to get slipped inside. Then, there's a response card with its own tissue paper and its own little envelope, and then there's the inner envelope and the outer envelope. Things needed to be sorted, stamped, numbered, alphabetized and stamped, and double checked. Four envelopes had minor -- but crucial -- errors, so the calligrapher has to redo them. I hope that I checked all the others thoroughly. They are going out approximately 3/20. My mom is going to give them one last look and will seal them and bring them to the post office to be hand-cancelled. Fun times. It actually wasn't awful at all. The four of us sat at the dining table with some music on, and we had a nice little assembly line going. Nobody argued, no serious mistakes were made, and we just all had a chance to chat.
We went to Minado for sushi -- it's "all you care to eat," and it's pretty good. Then we all went home, had some scotch, and sat around and talked some more. It was a very nice night.
Sunday morning Fiance and I drove straight back to Brooklyn for church, in a car we are borrowing indefinitely from my parents. After church we went to the Diner and had cheese omelets -- our last rendezvous with eggs and cheese until Pascha (we began fasting from meat last week). I'm actually excited about Lent this year -- I definitely feel like my mind and body need to be detoxed and refocused. I hope I don't fall into the carb trap; we'll see.
We went home and FINALLY put up curtains in the living room. I know you're all sick of my empty promises to post pictures of things so I won't even bother making promises. Soon, I hope to have the whole apartment picture-ready, and then I will post pictures. Until then, you'll just have to use your imagination.
We went back to church at 5 for Forgiveness Vespers, which is definitely one of my favorite services all year. It's an excellent way to begin Lent -- but my hamstrings are a little sore today from all the metania. Turns out I can touch the floor without bending my knees -- news to me!
After church we went home and I made an outrageously good dinner of pan-seared tuna with macaroni and homemade pesto. I was working without a recipe, and I must say, I am officially back in the game. I did a little laundry and started to tackle the Pile of Clothes in the bedroom, but I have a ways to go. Then I passed out on the couch.
I'm still without my engagement ring, and they are reneging on the price of the wedding band. I know the cost of precious metals has gone up, but this is a pretty significant increase. I am going to see how much wiggle room I have. I'm a little resentful that they only mentioned the increase after I sent them my engagement ring -- sort of prevents me from going anywhere else, and makes it hard to haggle.
I'm also still without my purse, which, as you know, I moronically left on the bus on Thursday. I should be able to get it back by the middle of this week. I have to hand it to the MTA people, though -- they've been great about calling me and keeping track of it. I'm very impressed.
So far I haven't gotten any more calls from KeySpan about my gas bill. We'll see what happens between now and March 17, the day the autopay is supposed to occur. If they keep calling me this week, I am going to call the Brooklyn Borough President. This stupid company has full access to my bank account and has had my authorization for nearly two months -- they have no business calling and treating me like a deadbeat.
In other news, my wedding is in two and a half months. Ten more weeks as a single girl ... what a weird, weird feeling. I can't believe it's really happening! Fiance has been teasing me because he knows I'm starting to freak out. I'll get my revenge when he starts freaking out (which will definitely happen). We are supposed to have our premarital prep on Saturday, and hopefully it won't get rescheduled for the fourth time. We've been trying to schedule it since December. I'm really looking forward to it, actually.
OK, time to work ... I don't know how I'm supposed to bill so many hours when there isn't enough work to go around, do you?
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
what the hello does hand cancelled mean?
When the postal machines put that rubber stamp across the postage stamp, it's called cancelling the stamp (so if someone mails you a letter, you can't peel off the stamp and reuse it). This usually gets done by machine, which means your invitations get smushed through a bunch of conveyer belts and can get all smudged up. If you ask them to hand cancel it, then a person stands there with a rubber stamp and cancels each one without a machine.
The one problem is that the mail still might get machine-sorted later, which means it still may get a little banged up ... but since hand cancelling doesn't cost extra, I think it's worth asking -- at least you eliminate one machine step.
Many thanks to my dearest darling Fiance for pointing out a terrifying grammar mistake. It's fixed, don't worry!
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